Can I index dates using the crawler?
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Can I index dates using the crawler?
Can I index dates using the crawler?
What are the accepted date formats?
Yes, the crawler can index dates. The crawler indexes and adds OpenGraph article:published_time
and article:modified_time
to a website's schema in the Collection by default. Once this information is in your index, you can use these as boost rules, filters, or include them in a custom result interface.
You can also index additional date fields on pages by creating a field in the schema and wrapping the date field on your pages in Search.io tags. Please see our documentation for more information.
Examples of acceptable data and time formats are below.
"2020-01-25" - YYYY-MM-DD
"2020-01-25T00:00:00+01:00" (RFC 3339 / ISO 8601)
"2020-01-25T01:21:59Z" (ISO 8601)
"2020-01-25 15:04:05" -0700
Weekday, DateTime
"Friday, 02-Oct-20 02:12:11 UTC" (RFC 2822)
"Fri, 02 Oct 2020 20:48:49 +0100" (RFC 822, 1036, 1123, 2822)
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