How to resolve 'collection indexes not ready' error?

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How to resolve 'collection indexes not ready' error?


You just created a new collection or a new field, and you notice the following error in the Preview section of the console:

Error in the search.io console:

Your collection’s indexes are not ready.
This might be occurring due to an incorrect pipeline configuration. Read our troubleshooting guide or contact us if you need help resolving this issue.

Or, you notice an error in browser console:

indexboosts: field index boost: field 'title': not index


If a query pipeline references a field in “index-text-index-boost” step, then the

  • record pipeline must include that field in the “create-indexes“ step, AND

  • at least 1 record must be indexed with that field value.

If not, it will return the error mentioned above as both of these conditions are checked before a search request can be sent.


To resolve:

  1. Check the record pipeline and make sure “create-indexes“ step includes the field. If not, then include the field in the “create-indexes” step.

  2. Add the field to “allow-fields“ step as well.

  3. Save the record pipeline and set it to default.

  4. Index a record that contains a value for that field.

    1. For a website collection, trigger a re-index via Diagnose tool.

    2. For an app or store, add a record via the API.


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